Postgraduate Training and Surgical MasterClass
We provide high quality and excellent value post graduate courses for basic surgical trainees, higher surgical trainees and established consultant surgeons. Many of our courses are accrediated by Royal College of Surgeons and other professional bodies. We have a large number of experienced faculty from all over the UK

Postgraduate Training and Surgical MasterClass
We provide high quality and excellent value post graduate courses for basic surgical trainees, higher surgical trainees and established consultant surgeons. Many of our courses are accrediated by Royal College of Surgeons and other professional bodies. We have a large number of experienced faculty from all over the UK

COVID - 19 Risk Assessment Surgical Educational Courses
COVID-19 Risk Assessment Surgical Educational Courses
COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks and we have a legal responsibility to protect delegates and staff from risk to their health and safety. This means we need to think about the risks we face and do everything reasonably practicable to minimise them, recognising you cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19.
COVID-19 Risk Assessment Surgical Educational Courses
We follow all published goverment guidance with regards to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and will apply this to all courses provided