Postgraduate Training and Surgical MasterClass
We provide high quality and excellent value post graduate courses for basic surgical trainees, higher surgical trainees and established consultant surgeons. Many of our courses are accrediated by Royal College of Surgeons and other professional bodies. We have a large number of experienced faculty from all over the UK
Our Courses are Accredited by Royal College of Surgeons (when stated)

Postgraduate Training and Surgical MasterClass
We provide high quality and excellent value post graduate courses for basic surgical trainees, higher surgical trainees and established consultant surgeons. Many of our courses are accrediated by Royal College of Surgeons and other professional bodies. We have a large number of experienced faculty from all over the UK
In order to qualify for CPD approval an event should:
be aimed at a defined target group(s)
set out clear and relevant aims and objectives & learning outcomes
include a mechanism for evaluation - so that the organisers and presenters can obtain feedback on the relevance, quality and effectiveness of the activity
have an appropriate programme - which reflects the needs of the intended participants
reflect a broad consensus of current expert opinion
not be overtly promotional where there is a commercial sponsor
have a nominated organiser who will keep records of attendance and evaluation
The type of events which may require CPD approval are:
Educational Conferences
Educational Courses
Distance learning programmes, including online / virtual learning
Award of CPD:
If an event is approved for CPD, it will be awarded a number of CPD hours, based on the duration of the activity as follows:
one hour of educational content = one hour of CPD